Innalillahi wa innailaihi Raji’un
Big familiy of Al Hidayah Islamic Studies Forum Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Muslim Indonesia also condolences over the Floods Victims that hit South Sulawesi (Makassar, Gowa, Takalar, Maros, Jeneponto, Barru, Pangkep and Pare-pare). In the history of At-Tirmidhi Rasulullah sallallaahu alayhi wa salam said that the man who is most loved by Allah is a human who is beneficial to other humans. And the deed most loved by Allah is to bring joy into the heart of a Muslim, or removie ones troubles, or pay off his debt, or remove his hunger.
We, from Al Hidayah Islamic Study Forum, Faculty of Computer Science, Muslim University of Indonesia held a donation fund for the disaster that befell our brothers in South Sulawesi.
Keep praying for them and give your best donations through BRI bank transfers
504901009172536 A.n Bayu Pratama Syam