Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

FIKOM students competed in the 2019 Indonesian Robot Contest


Participants from the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Irwan Ardyansah and Muh Dhiya Ulhaq, supervised by Lilis Nur Hayati ,. S. Kom., M. Eng, made their first debut in the Indonesian Robot Contest in 2019. This is the first time of Universitas Muslim Indonesia participated in a national robotics event. The Indonesian Robot Contest was attended by 42 universities including universities from the regions of East Java, Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua held at the University of Mataram, Lombok as the host of regional IV, on 21-23 April 2019. Universitas Muslim Indonesia participate in the Robot contest, division of Indonesian Fire Extinguisher Robot.

The universities participating in the 2019 Indonesian Robot Contest from the South Sulawesi region were 6 universities, including Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic, Makassar Handayani Stimik, Makassar Muhammadiyah University, Makassar State University, Hasanuddin University, and Universitas Muslim Indonesia.

Although they did not have the chance to occupy the position of champion, Team Leader Irwan Ardyansah said “this was a very interesting experience in UMI’s first debut to find out the specific forms of the competition and learn from other university robots instead of only reading news or information through media “. Irwan Ardyansah also said he is still optimistic that he would realize his dream of becoming either a regional or national champion in the coming year.
